Your website hosting should work for you and not the other way around. With speeds of up to 20x faster, our superfast NVMe web hosting with LiteSpeed web server guarantees a better experience!
Beat the competition with 20x faster speeds. Thanks to our NVMe web hosting and LiteSpeed servers, your site is served at a fraction of the time compared to traditional Apache servers.
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
NVMe Storage
LiteSpeed Web Server
Unlimited Bandwidth
10 Email Accounts
WordPress Optimized
Unlimited Databases
Free SSL Certificate
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
NVMe Storage
LiteSpeed Web Server
Unlimited Bandwidth
25 Email Accounts
WordPress Optimized
Unlimited Databases
Free SSL Certificate
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
NVMe Storage
LiteSpeed Web Server
Unlimited Bandwidth
100 Email Accounts
WordPress Optimized
Unlimited Databases
Free SSL Certificate
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
NVMe Storage
LiteSpeed Web Server
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Email Accounts
WordPress Optimized
Unlimited Databases
Free SSL Certificate
Web hosting is a service that sells or rents space on a physical server. Every website is hosted on a server like this somewhere in the world. A web host stores your website’s files and makes it available for viewers online.
No, it’s not necessary to purchase a domain when you purchase web hosting. However, viewers will not be able to access your website without a domain in place. If you’ve previously purchased a domain through another provider, all you have to do is select the option of using an existing domain name.
Chat to us for support on transferring your domain or setting up your DNS servers to point to the correct nameservers.
You sure can! You’ll need a domain name in order to create an email address. In cPanel, you can set up as many email addresses as your chosen hosting plan allows.
Just remember that the more emails you send, the more space you’ll need.